Whats up everyone, and thanks for stopping by my blog site. I am about to start posting shit from everything as I just around and dig up the dirt. My first thing is to find out why these bitches on the Housewives of Atlanta are famous....trust me the only one that really deserves the fame is KANDI...WHY? Because she already has it....but the one thing that I hate the most on the show is SHEREE! She is so grand, and thinks shes a diva...well she's not!
1. She has no money, but to keep the show from falling under, Bravo has decided to relocate some of the girls from their low budgeted homes (ie Sheree), who earlier this summer was seen living in a two bedroom condo, but that does not fit the image that these girls are trying to portray so BRAVO is paying for Sheree's new home. Besides its not like she pays attention to whose paying the bills anyway....we saw that with the last home...how independent are you?
2. She is in HELLA DEBT! She owes so much money that Bravo is paying most of her legal fees, and then to sum it up they are paying her to keep the drama going along with NeNe. Lets be real we know why they kept NeNe....HELLOOOOO! She's ghetto! But I love her!
3. She is trying to be the boss of a party that she isn't even paying for.......GET THIS PEOPLE....IT WAS FREE....THE COMPANY WAS SPONSORING IT FOR HER. WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU GET TO CALL ALL OF THE SHOTS...BITCH THEY ARE GIVING YOU A FREE PARTY....AND FOR WHAT....SO YOU CAN SAY YOU ARE INDEPENDENT! PLEASE SPARE ME THE DRAMATICS. Although I think Anthony was wrong for blowing up on her...she deserved it....your not paying for anything so SHUT UP!!
4. She pays a publicist to promote her. This person is trying their best to make sure Sheree is on every list in Atlanta, and they don't care if she knows what its about...she's just there. Hell we saw that on Thursday night when she didn't even realize she was at Neicey Nash's birthday party....WTF! How are you attending and don't know who you are there for....OMG.....and we say JESSICA SIMPSON IS A BLOND! (Lets not talk blond, because on my next blog I'm coming for your Kim)
Stay tuned...next time on Christian Knows All: Kim from the Housewives was really an Escort, and Big Poppa, was one of her best clients.....I'll give you all the details in a few days. Gotta keep digging...dont want to share the wrong info.
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